Women's Olympic Mountain Vision Fast

July 16th-23rd, 2024


Our Story

The Olympic Mountain Women's Vision Fast was birthed in 2021 by Silvia Talavera, Lea Aurora, and Molly Rose. It began as a call to create young women's rite of passage program in the Port Townsend and surrounding community. Molly and Lea gathered with several local women to begin a Yearlong Youth Rite of Passage Guide Training with the intention of creating a program to usher youth across the threshold to young adulthood.

"Halfway through the program we realized, we'd never received this! How could we initiate our youth without being truly initiated ourselves! Molly and I knew that we had been initiated by life. We were mothers, we had each spent plenty of time solo in the wilderness, adventured together through the Olympic Mountains, we'd taken our kids backpacking together (both loaded down as double "packmamas"), we'd both fasted before, and we'd sung together in the wilds through the challenges and changes of life. We realized what we hadn't ever experienced was the sacred container of a wizened elder woman guide to usher and witness us through the initiatory phases of rebirth. That's when I remembered Silvia!" -Lea Aurora

Silvia flew in from Arizona and guided the first group of women through the fast in 2021. Lea and Molly have been assisting and apprenticing with Silvia since and a beautiful sisterhood of local initiated women and elders has grown from this place.


The Fast

Guide Team

Silvia Talavera (she/her)

Inspired by wild places without borders, Silvia guides from a full life experience. She blends the wild, sacred, and profane with humor and grace. Wilderness guide since 1993, seasoned hospice nurse, and Reiki practitioner, Silvia continues to hold the symbolic death and the physical death as mirrors for eachother, as each has informed her life. She is a supporter of deep immersion into the natural landscape where exploration of the mythic, the archetype, and the imaginal dimensions is the gateway to the hero/heroine’s journey.

Silvia is an elder, great grandmother and mentor and she embraces her elderhood with great joy, deep humility and daily gratitude. Her work, in all its expressions, is devoted to the reawakening of our true selves, and remembering our natural instinct to love and heal for the benefit of all beings, in service of the greater good.

For inquiries,

Email, Call, or Text 360.643.3729

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