
"My experience with Lea was extraordinary! First it was a long-distance treatment and secondly, I was in an immediate pain crisis in my low back and left hip.

My appointment was set up for an hour and she took me right away. That night I slept through until morning and have been pain free in the area since. This was after an emergency room visit, where there was no relief. I declined pain medications and called Lea.

I highly recommend her as she is highly sensitive and informed by clear intention and deeply committed to service of humanity for the greater good."

Silvia T, Arizona


"I began my journey with Lea having no prior experience with Shamanic Reiki, Spirit Allies, or Elemental Spirits. I was curious and open to a new path.

Connecting with the elements and grounding were always at the forefront of Lea's teachings. I appreciated how lovingly she held the session container. When the group got off track she calmly re-sealed and re-set the session direction. It felt seamless. I have learned so many beautiful things from Lea and I feel blessed our paths serendipitously crossed. There is powerful knowledge in her teachings. Having access to Shamanic Reiki has been a huge benefit within my home and for my family.

This course offered me a self-healing and awakening journey that I will forever build upon. I leave with a deeper connection to this world's natural elements and an understanding of the moon's rhythmic phases. An inner calm is taking root inside me. My awareness of the spirit world has opened through the influence of my Shamanic Reiki Spirit Guide. I now find great comfort journeying to my sacred place and embracing and learning with my guide. Other allies and guides have since come into focus. I am feeling these relationships change and grow.

A secret door to an ancient path has opened and I feel confident walking through it!"

-Emily (Yearlong Shamanic Reiki Level I&II Practitioner Certification and 7-week Master Practitioner Certification)


"Each session left me feeling enlivened and deepened. When I was deep in the challenges of my life, I always walked away with insight, increased support, and more tools to move past the ailment. The teachings Lea presented unfolded and ripened with time, use, and contemplation. They cultivated new guidance and deeper relationships with allies and elemental spirits, offering concise and varied ways to connect more deeply and trust in the wisdom and healing blossoming through the elements.

Not only is Lea a powerful seer and healer, she is a dynamic teacher as well. Lea leads with heart and soul and I always depart feeling seen and honored. Her well of tools, modalities, and knowledge blossom from her with divine guidance and compassion in a way that lands perfectly with the blessed recipient of her healing and teaching.

Lea's multilayered approach offered ways to personalize the practices and make them my own. The guided drum journeys were so vivid and powerful. Being empowered to seek and find my own sacred places, guides and allies, connecting with my ancestors, and Earth Elements, each journey blew my mind open, allowing me to know and understand ever deeper parts of myself.

The Siberian Fire Ceremony was life changing! The structure of it, the power, and the sanctuary created with prayer, intent, sacred holding, prayer ties, dancing, and fire- just utterly amazing! I feel inspired to create this ceremony in the future! It was incredibly powerful to feel the deep well of Reiki energy when it is supported and amplified by Shamanic practices. Wow!

I feel empowered to trust in my intuition and guidance as never before. I am confident in my ability to wield intention with precision and deep listening to the rhythms of my life in relation to the cycles of the seasons and elements. I step into sacred time and space knowingly and with even deeper reverence. "

-Randelle Hamm (Energetic Alchemy Healing Sessions & Yearlong SR Level I&II Certification)


"Beginning my sessions with Lea, I had no idea what to expect. I felt excited, and open. I left our sessions filled with clarity, light, and love, feeling restored and safe. One session I left feeling so loved, like an army of ancestors was fighting for me, offering me the strength and capacity to do the work of life.

Another time I left feeling the collaboration of a web of mycelium-like energy connecting me to everything. I experienced a new light and new colors, a new energy I’d never seen or felt before. I'd experienced a kind of death (the release of trauma), a rebirth, and a returning home - home with my guides and my ancestors, connected to my true self, whole, and integrated. Lea worked with my energies and my guides did the rest.

Lea is an incredible listener. I felt a ton of synchronicity and I left with clarity about my situation. She responded exactly how I needed without having to go deep into my pain. There were times where everything she said I was feeling and experiencing before she said it. She seemed to know specifically what I was going through. The psychic atmosphere was lit up.

Lea is an amazing light-worker. I always feel uplifted and inspired to be in her presence."

-Katrina Blair (12 Energetic Alchemy Healing Sessions, Yearlong SR Level I &II Practitioner Certification, and 7-week Master Practitioner Certification)